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Lasting Lifestyle Changes, from the Everyday Wellbeing Series

Ever tried to make a lifestyle change and, one week later, feel like you failed? It happens all the time. Instead of giving up, you can prepare for failure by identifying the challenges you face and creating strategies to overcome them. Willpower and enthusiasm aren’t always enough to establish and maintain healthy habits around nutrition, fitness, and sleep. Fortunately, there are practical strategies you can use to improve your wellbeing, meet your health goals, and stay motivated through all the ups and downs of making lifestyle changes. 

In this self-directed course, you’ll learn about how you’re personally motivated to make lifestyle changes, as well as some strategies for establishing healthy habits that stick, through concise content and beautiful illustrations.

Lasting Lifestyles Changes is the ninth module in the Everyday Wellbeing series from Maestro, a 10-course curriculum that teaches you the well-rounded habits that make up a healthy lifestyle, including hydration, nutrition, exercise, and sleep. Everyday Wellbeing introduces the basic science of these wellness principles and provides clear strategies for how to integrate them into your life right now.

  1. Principles of Healthy Nutrition
  2. Nutrition: Hydration, Carbs & Fiber
  3. Nutrition: Proteins & Fats
  4. Nutrition: Planning & Selecting Healthy Foods
  5. Nutrition: Frequency, Quality & Quantity
  6. Movement & Exercise
  7. Sleep, Rest & Renewal
  8. Measuring Heart Health
  9. Lasting Lifestyle Changes
  10. Your Personalized Action Plan
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